Publisher's description
Cross-browser JavaScript widget that distinctly presents listed data items. It performs exceptionally well with thousands of data records and supports single and multiple selection of list items. List also enables to make all possible CRUD operations with the data inserted into the widget.
You can add vertical and horizontal paging to your list which will help your end user promplty find the necessary information.
The data in Webix List can be edited right in the line. If the List has an empty value it won't pass the validation and will be coloured in pink.
List enables you to load data in XML, JSON, JSArray and CSV formats. You can easily use this widget with your web-services due to customizability of XML and JSON data formats.
The widget allows using keyboard navigation or hotkeys managing which makes your end user journey around the website quicker and easier.
Webix List allows performing drag-and-drop operations not only within List itself but also between List and Datatable, Treetable, Datatree, Dataview and even between two Lists.
The list can be used in mobile web apps that run on all modern touch devices. The Webix library offers three variations of list apart from the standard one:grouplist,
x-list, unitlist.
Grouplist allows presenting data in a list which items are grouped by a certain category. Data grouping is hierarchical, which means that any group item can start its own group. Moreover you can effortlessly sort and filter all Grouplist items.
Pagelist presents an offbeat way of data presenting. While all lists arrange items vertically, X-list offers horizontal pattern keeping all the standard list's functions.
Unitlist enables presenting data in groups derived from initial non-hierarchical dataset. With this UI widget, data items are sorted and then united by common values.Unitlist helps you to cope with a large amount of messy information by organizing it in small groups.
You can add vertical and horizontal paging to your list which will help your end user promplty find the necessary information.
The data in Webix List can be edited right in the line. If the List has an empty value it won't pass the validation and will be coloured in pink.
List enables you to load data in XML, JSON, JSArray and CSV formats. You can easily use this widget with your web-services due to customizability of XML and JSON data formats.
The widget allows using keyboard navigation or hotkeys managing which makes your end user journey around the website quicker and easier.
Webix List allows performing drag-and-drop operations not only within List itself but also between List and Datatable, Treetable, Datatree, Dataview and even between two Lists.
The list can be used in mobile web apps that run on all modern touch devices. The Webix library offers three variations of list apart from the standard one:grouplist,
x-list, unitlist.
Grouplist allows presenting data in a list which items are grouped by a certain category. Data grouping is hierarchical, which means that any group item can start its own group. Moreover you can effortlessly sort and filter all Grouplist items.
Pagelist presents an offbeat way of data presenting. While all lists arrange items vertically, X-list offers horizontal pattern keeping all the standard list's functions.
Unitlist enables presenting data in groups derived from initial non-hierarchical dataset. With this UI widget, data items are sorted and then united by common values.Unitlist helps you to cope with a large amount of messy information by organizing it in small groups.
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